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The Nakuz, 90+ Clan War Clan [A Clan for Nakuz and friends]

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發表於 6-5-2008 01:48:58 | 顯示全部樓層
count me in, i play clan wars a lot XD david can c me a lot haha
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發表於 7-5-2008 00:57:34 | 顯示全部樓層
haha, thz for the recommendation, and Djserry, not only do i have blue phat and prayer cape, i was the co-leader of AOR

but as some of u know, my schoolwork wud not allow me to go on runescape too often, i will be playing quite a lot during this summer as member (to max out combat XD), but when school starts, i think i'll be playing only during weekends for most of the time, and i'll be f2p by then, tho all i do in f2p are clan wars and FOG
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發表於 7-5-2008 02:14:38 | 顯示全部樓層
gonna be p2p in june for 1 month i think, to max out combat (not summoning)
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發表於 7-5-2008 17:34:21 | 顯示全部樓層
oh i will be melee and range mainly, but i can mage if i need to, tons of useless blood and death runes, useless after pk-ing is gone :S , as i dun use them to train, i only alch to lvl magic ice barriage ftw
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發表於 7-5-2008 18:57:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 jing211091 於 7-5-2008 18:17 發表

咁多usless item,不如比D黎,明天你黎wildy,我斬死你,比番10k,8k death黎

cant kill ppl in wild now...=.=

btw i think the clan can be f2p based, as most of us (including myself ) are f2p players for most of the time, v can have occassional p2p events at time when many ppl become p2p, like during summer holiday or sth
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發表於 7-5-2008 19:45:45 | 顯示全部樓層
well i dun think the clan has to be strctly classified as f2p or p2p in fact, v can have clans wars in both f2p and p2p
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發表於 7-5-2008 20:52:45 | 顯示全部樓層
djserry: I don't want any member feel they are left out. but if you want, it is possible to do it.

yea so better not make it pure p2p at least, dun leave me out
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發表於 8-5-2008 14:58:39 | 顯示全部樓層
team cape @@ f2p with skill cape gum dim :S
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發表於 8-5-2008 17:55:15 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Clmak814 於 8-5-2008 15:32 發表

我估michael想話d人完左p2p G後wear 個skill cape個outfit
5可以change cape 5系wear5反
右要做多g p2p

yup, exactly

i think clan name shud be simple, i suggest Nakuz

[ 本帖最後由 michael_hk 於 8-5-2008 17:56 編輯 ]
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發表於 9-5-2008 00:56:17 | 顯示全部樓層
i personally agree with amy, i am joining becoz i think this is the chance for me to famaliar myself with the many nakuz using rs players

ppl from other forum r welcome to join us in wars or sth (but not as members of the clan), but i strongly disagree on combining with other clans or forum, in that case i wun join sry

i strongly support that this shud be a nakuz clan instead of a clan for random ppl

[ 本帖最後由 michael_hk 於 9-5-2008 00:59 編輯 ]
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