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nba 2k9 資料集中帖(更新pc版nba 2k9 系統需求 readme)

發表於 21-9-2008 18:55:11 | 只看該作者

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 樓主| 發表於 21-9-2008 19:46:18 | 只看該作者
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發表於 22-9-2008 02:00:23 | 只看該作者
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 樓主| 發表於 22-9-2008 18:28:45 | 只看該作者
NBA 2K9 Quick Hitter Impressions

I'm going to quickly run down a few things that I have noticed while playing the game.

When players get tied up with the ball, there are a couple of things that can happen. You either get a jump ball or you rip it out and continue the play before a jump ball is called. Also, when doubles approach, players with a high skill level can split it, my jaw dropped on more than a few occasions when T.J. Ford was killing me.

On driving layups, taking it strong to the hole, some players can cover the ball and it looks fantastic, sometimes they'll fall to the ground after a foul or non call, looks great.

When players get fouled, some of them cross their arms, mumble under their breath, others will admit to the foul and hold their hand up, then there is Sheed. He'll wave the ref off, emphatically sometimes. It's pretty scary how some of these guys react, lol. I've even seen Sheed on the floor after getting called for a block and waving his hand at the ref like he couldn't believe the call. No techs have been handed out.

Playing D and weaving through screens is just plain fun. Tons of new animations, including some very nice rebounding ones. More sig styles and just an incredible amount of new animations, as you'll see when I post more movies this week. KG punches his chest after a big shot, but there are so many other "little things" in here as well.

The offense takes advantage of switching defenders. Had KG posting up little Derek Fisher, dunked on him. Other times when you see a mismatch, the AI is smart enough to change the defender. Had Duncan guarding Kobe at the top, before I could make my move, Bowen switched up. It was very cool to see.

The crowd animation is great and while you see some of the same people scattered around, I think it is much better than last year, although the waving #1 fingers are a little over the top sometimes. The fans react realistically, but there are still odd times where the audio just drops out, instead of fading. When there are big plays that happen, the atmosphere is bananas.

You'll see a few flops or non calls on charging/blocking fouls and you will see blocking calls called correctly when players are in the circle. Sometimes the call will be made, other times it will be a no call.

Free throw routines are great. Arenas has the around the back, etc. a cool example of something I saw, at the end of the game I had Kobe taking FT's, crowd chants MVP, he blows the FT...steps back, deep breath gets ready for next one, wipes both hands on his jersey, takes the freebie, nothing but net, as he leaves his hand "up there"...

For timeouts, you have 20 seconds and full timeouts. On the 20 second timeouts, you have 20 seconds to make your changes, on full timeouts, you get 60 seconds.

At the end of the game, you get a Jordan Player of the Game, top 3 plays, hot zones and signature highlights. Players head to their tunnels as well.

Not seeing stat overlays in exhibition, season or association, announcing team will mention when players reach certain points, rebounds, etc. but no overlays. Looked in the presentation options and don't see anything regarding overlays.

Changing shots in midair, absolutely love that they brought this back.

Players smack the backboard on layups and/or blocked shot attempts.

Off the ball defense is nice, the AI doesn't just sit there either, they will fake an inside move and pop outside and lose you, among other things, like call for a screen, etc.

In the player matchups, you can stick Bowen on Kobe, if you want to, so putting the best defender on the best offensive player is something a lot of people will like.

Need to turn up the fouls, as I'm not seeing many on default.

Game speed set to 45, seems to be perfect.

Off the ball AI is much better this year, players setting picks, running back doors, etc.

I'd like to see players cutting harder when coming off screens, most of the time they do, but there are a few times when they actually walk around them or walk to their spot.

BTW, the game runs at 60 FPS, it's just my hardware and the encoding makes it look a bit jumpy. I have to find a better way of encoding to make it look less jittery. It's smooth as butter when playing the game.

The movies you see at the beginning of the game are on exhibition games, those player movies aren't viewable when playing season and association, no need to worry if a player is traded that it won't show up right, since it's only shown in exhibition.

美國玩家Steve Noah的玩後心得簡介敘述:(擷自operationsports)
當球員持球被牽制(站立非運球被搶球)的時候,會有一些情況發生,你不是會被判跳球就是會將球抽出甩開對手;當然,當雙人包夾時,技術等級較高(triple threat)的球員是可以強行突破滴,就拿T.J. Ford來說,在大部分時候,他都讓我驚訝不己。
當球員犯規時,有一些會將手交叉喃喃自語,一些會承認犯規並將手舉起,還有Sheed會向裁判揮手抗議強調情況,一付很擔心一些場上球員一再犯規,我就看過在看臺的Sheed在因為一個阻攻判罰後不斷向裁判示意且一付不敢相信,無處宣洩的樣子。 (這段有點奇怪,況且我不知Sheed是什麼?><)
觀眾的反應也是非常寫實,不再只是一群雙胞胎,但還是有點怪的地 ,就是聲音會突然會變小再消失,但整體還是比2K8好很多,ex;一顆big shot後的狂歡的現場氣氛。
罰球的習慣動作也不錯,像Arenas的繞球,陳漪Okobe,在他罰球時,全場如雷巨響的MVP呼聲,見他單腳向後退一步並做一個深呼吸,罰完一球後會往自己球衣擦,罰完後會將自己的右手停在空中,好像在宣示”UP THERE”。
在暫停方面有20秒短暫停及60秒長暫停,比賽結束後一樣有Jordan player、Top 3 plays、hot zones及個人精采重播,對了還有比賽結束後球員也會各自走向休息室,而不是在場上做”活屍”。
空中可變換投球時機,I love it! ^ ^ ;球員在上籃或阻攻時,也會做釘板的連貫動作。
順道提一下2K9它是要耗60 FPS(FRAM PER SECOND,每秒螢幕更新頻率),不知為何我的主機運作起來會有跳動的情況,可能要找再一些方法去降低這種情況。
最後就是在每場球賽前的當家球星VIDEO,它只有在表演賽會有,所以各大大不用擔心在季賽或王朝時,尤於球員交易後VIDEO還穿著原東家的球衣的情況了。> <


[ 本帖最後由 kelvinx 於 22-9-2008 18:39 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 22-9-2008 19:02:03 | 只看該作者

NBA 2K9: Point Guard Ratings

Top 25

Complete Team-by-Team


[ 本帖最後由 kelvinx 於 22-9-2008 19:12 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 22-9-2008 19:11:47 | 只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 kelvinx 於 23-9-2008 18:50 編輯 ]
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發表於 22-9-2008 22:57:29 | 只看該作者
禁錯左- -sorry

[ 本帖最後由 kelvinx 於 23-9-2008 18:50 編輯 ]
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發表於 23-9-2008 00:38:16 | 只看該作者

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 樓主| 發表於 23-9-2008 09:38:06 | 只看該作者
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